Sandy Lin Knows How to Win on TikTok in 2023

Sandy Lin is a content creator and the founder of Creobase, a platform helping creators monetize their content. She also has over a half a million TikTok followers, and is one of the app's rising stars. Read on for Sandy's best tips on how brands and creators can win on TikTok in 2023. ⬇️

Sandy was one of the last in her friendship group to join TikTok, signing up in 2020. Since she first started, Sandy says the landscape has changed —and so should your content strategy. Not only is it more difficult to go viral, different types of content are performing now compared to what worked in previous years.

Sandy says there are two ways to win on TikTok in 2023: Be a great storyteller or be an educator, sharing your expertise and speaking credibly on a certain subject.

She wants you to dig deeper into content ideas to find a strong angle or storytelling hook for TikTok: “You can't just be like, 'How to make 10 grand a month.' That doesn't work anymore. 'How did this brand make 10 grand a month? And how can you do it?' That's what's gonna work right now on TikTok.”

Sandy now posts 5-6 times per week on TikTok, but during her first six months posted two or three times a day. She recommends new creators and brands post multiple times daily and test different types of content rather than picking one niche. Then, double down on the type of content that's resonating.

Sandy recommends founders share their journey to build their own personal brand on TikTok, so that audiences can grow to like and trust you, and then in turn your brand.

"Sell your journey. Your journey is your biggest asset, and that is what make brands go viral. Why did you found this company? Did you quit your full-time job or did you drop out of school to found this company?”

Sandy’s top TikTok growth tips:

  • Don't give up too early. You might not see growth after a couple of months, but with consistent effort you will see results.

  • Post as often as possible, doubling down on what performs the best.

  • Study your competitors. How can you recreate their content, but make it even better?

  • Don’t stick to one niche. Just like you have a variety of interests, so does your audience.

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